2014년 10월 20일 월요일

abraham : Operation system concept (운영체제) 7th SILBERCHATZ저 7판 솔루션 해설집

abraham : Operation system concept (운영체제) 7th SILBERCHATZ저 7판 솔루션 해설집

abraham : Operation system concept (운영체제) 7th SILBERCHATZ저 7판 솔루션

Operation system concept(운영체제) 7th(공룡책) ABRAHAM SILBERCHATZ저 챕터 1 ~ 23장



ABRAHAM SILBERSCHATZ Yale University PETER BAER GALVIN Corporate Technologies GREG GAGNE Westminster College

This volume is an instructor’s manual for the Seventh Edition of OperatingSystem Concepts, by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Greg Gagne. It consists of answers to the exercises in the parent text. Although we have tried to produce an instructor’s manual that will aid all of the users of our book as much as possible, there can always be improvements (improved answers, additional questions, sample test questions, programming projects, alternative orders of presentation of the material, additional references, and so on). We invite you to help us in improving this manual. If you have better solutions to the exercises or other items which would be of use with Operating-System Concepts, we invite you to send them to us for consideration in later editions of this manual. All co

자료출처 : http://www.allreport.co.kr/search/detail.asp?pk=10974963&sid=knp868group1&key=abraham


문서분량 : 156 Page
파일종류 : PDF 파일
자료제목 :
파일이름 : [Solution]Operation system concept 7th - SILBERCHATZ저.pdf
키워드 : 솔루션,Operation,system,concept,운영체제,7th,SILBERCHATZ,abraham,:,SILBERCHATZ저

- [Operating System Concepts] (7판 솔루션 ) , Abraham Silberschatz , 조유근 , 홍릉과학출판사]
- [Soluton] Operating System Concepts 7th Edtion Abraham Silberschatz저 7판 솔루션
- 데이터베이스 5판 솔루션 database system concepts 5th solution Abraham Silberschatz

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